There are a few reasons why you might be asked to pay additional shipping fees. Here are some explanations:
Pre-Order Estimated Weight and Dimensions:
For pre-orders, the shipping costs you pay at checkout are based on the weight provided by the manufacturer. However, manufacturers sometimes underestimate the actual weight and dimensions, leading to higher shipping costs. We cannot confirm the weight/dimensions until the pre-order arrives at our office, so we cannot advise on additional fees before the release date. -
Increased Size or Quantity of In-Stock Orders:
For in-stock orders, shipping costs might increase due to the size or number of items in an order. Some items have very large boxes, and we sometimes need to pack them differently than originally estimated or split the items into multiple boxes due to postal size restrictions. This is done to protect your items and reduce the risk of damage. -
Multiple Packages:
If your order is shipped in multiple packages, additional shipping fees may apply for each package. -
Change in Shipping Method:
If you request a change in the shipping method from the standard method to a more expensive one (e.g., from regular mail to DHL or FedEx), you will need to pay the difference in cost. -
Regional Fees:
Some regions may incur additional charges compared to standard rates. For example, remote islands or specific countries/regions may have higher shipping fees. -
Shipping Size Restrictions:
Each destination country has shipping size restrictions. Depending on the size of the item, we may need to change the shipping method. For example, if an item exceeds the size limits for Surface or Airmail, we may need to switch to EMS.
We are not looking to profit from shipping fees.
Any additional shipping fees are to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of your items.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer support team.