Yes, we do offer shipping options through carriers other than Japan Post, including FedEx and DHL.
Here are the steps to request shipping through an alternative carrier:
Contact Customer Support: Please reach out to our customer support team to inquire about shipping options with FedEx or DHL. You can do this before placing your order or immediately after.
Provide Order Details: When contacting customer support, make sure to provide your order details, including the items you wish to purchase and your shipping address.
Receive a Quote: Our customer support team will provide you with a shipping quote based on the alternative carrier and the specifics of your order (such as weight, dimensions, and destination).
Confirm and Pay: If you agree to the quoted shipping costs, you will need to confirm your preference and make any necessary additional payments for the alternative shipping service.
Please note that shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on the carrier and the destination country.
Additionally, some items may have restrictions based on the carrier's policies and regulations.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our customer support team.