We apologize for the inconvenience if items are missing from your order. To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:
Check Your Order Confirmation:
- Review your order confirmation email to ensure that all items you expected were included in the original order.
Multiple Shipments:
- Your order may have been shipped in multiple packages. You might receive another package soon.
- If your order was shipped in two or more packages, our system will only include one tracking number in the email notification for system constraints. However, you can see the total number of packages and multiple tracking numbers by clicking the "View your order" button in the shipping notification email to view the order status page.
Check Order History:
- When you log in to your account and check your order history, you may only see one tracking number due to system constraints. However, by clicking on the tracking number and accessing the tracking information service, you can confirm the number of packages and view multiple tracking numbers.
Contact Customer Support:
- If you still cannot locate the missing items, reach out to our customer support team as soon as possible. Provide your order number and details about the missing items.
Provide Evidence:
- Take clear photos of the received package, including any labels or identifying marks, and attach them to your email or support request. This helps us understand the situation better.
Wait for Instructions:
- Our customer support team will review your case and provide instructions on how to proceed. This may include checking our warehouse records and confirming the items that were shipped.
- If it is confirmed that items were indeed missing from your shipment, we will promptly send you the missing items or issue a refund, depending on your preference and item availability.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in resolving this matter. Thank you for your cooperation.