We apologize for the inconvenience if you received an incorrect item in your order. To resolve this issue, please follow the steps below:
Contact Customer Support:
- Reach out to our customer support team as soon as possible. Provide your order number and details about the item you received.
Provide Evidence:
- Take clear photos of the incorrect item, including any labels or identifying marks, and attach them to your email or support request.
Wait for Instructions:
- Our customer support team will review your case and provide instructions on how to proceed. This may include returning the incorrect item to us.
Return Shipping:
- If a return is necessary, we will provide you with a return shipping label or reimburse the return shipping cost.
Replacement or Refund:
- Once we receive the incorrect item, we will promptly send you the correct item or issue a refund, depending on your preference and item availability.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in resolving this matter. Thank you for your cooperation.